Our passion for mezcal began on the side of the road. For years, we drove past a small rickety stand with a handmade sign out front that read “La Mezcaleria”. There were always a few people at the shack, sitting in plastic chairs in the shade. It was Sunday when we finally decided to stop in, and the shack was filled to the brim with family members in their Sunday best. Their laughs and chatter could be heard from the highway.
Everyone was drinking mezcal. It was there that we realized there was something much more to mezcal than just a drink. It was something much bigger.
Mezcal is created through an extremely laborious process where family traditions and natural processes are paradigms. Each mezcal is different and uniquely embodies a family’s essence that has been passed down for generations. It’s pure, it’s natural, it’s spiritual.
To us, mezcal is magic. Families come together to make mezcal and they come together to enjoy mezcal at life celebrations, family reunions, and on casual Sundays. It is living proof that traditions, cultural values, and community still exist.
We hope you will pull up a plastic chair, and join us as we reinvent what family means.
We are a father-daughter team on an expedition to bring farm to bottle in a revolutionary way by offering sustainably grown wild agaves in 6 different expressions.
Catedral is the antithesis of celebrity owned or mass-produced. We source only hand picked agave of the highest quality. Our mission in this label is to re-frame the business model of the mezcal industry by keeping our maestro equity partnerships front and center in everything we do, while also reliably sourcing each maguey sustainably. And doing it all with a new spin.
Each bottle features a handmade artisanal leather "cowboy boot" that denotes a different variety of mezcal. All the leather used for our boots is crafted from sustainably and ethically sourced leather.